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Savings plan from heybee -Save 15% + free shipping

Subscribe to our products and benefit from regular deliveries

How does it work?
  • While shopping, click on savings plan
  • Select the delivery frequency
  • Stop your savings plan at any time
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Why Subscribe?
  • Great advantages

    15% discount on every order + free shipping

  • VIP status

    Exclusive special offers

  • Total flexibility

    Adjust the delivery frequency individually + can be canceled at any time


With our savings plan, you will receive your favorite products regularly and at the best price. You choose the products and the delivery frequency - we do the rest. The products are delivered automatically and on the desired date.

With the savings plan, you can save money and even time. You benefit permanently from a 15% discount, free shipping and regular deliveries on your desired date - completely automatically and conveniently.

Yes, the delivery frequency can be adjusted as required. To do this, log in using the link you received from us by email for the savings plan confirmation and manage your savings plan.

To do this, log in using the link you received from us via email for the savings plan confirmation and manage your savings plan. Products can be added or removed as desired.

Yes, absolutely. The savings plan can be canceled at any time without any obligation. You have full control over the subscription