A passion for bees and their importance for our planet drove Michel, Pascal, Severin and Isi to create something extraordinary. We were fascinated by the way bees work and the essential role they play for our planet. What impressed us most were the natural products produced by bees and their numerous health benefits.

This enthusiasm gave rise to heybee: high-quality bee products that are the natural choice for health and well-being in everyday life. We are convinced that well-being can be significantly improved through the power of natural bee products. We only use high-quality ingredients in our products and avoid unnecessary additives so as not to impair their effectiveness.

Although the idea sounds very simple at first, we put a lot of work into product development. "Our products were natural and healthy relatively quickly. However, it took a while to find the delicious taste and the right consistency," says Michel with a smile, thinking of the first recipes that were developed in collaboration with beekeepers and leading food technologists.

However, these challenges motivated us even more because we have a clear goal in mind: to make a sustainable contribution and raise awareness of the immense importance of bees for our planet. With our passion for bees and our striving for education, we want to inspire people to recognize the importance of bees for the environment and to actively contribute to protecting bees.